Curb Walking for Labor

Have started dilating and effacing and want to give your body a little push to get things moving?

Try this simple exercise: Curb walking 

Curb walking is an exercise often used as a way to prepare the body for labor and naturally induce. The idea is that walking on the curb or using other variations can encourage the baby to move down in the pelvis and apply pressure to the cervix, which may help release oxytocin and trigger contractions. Curb walking can also promote pelvic movement and help to stretch and tone the muscles that are involved in childbirth.

If you don't have access to a safe curb to walk on, you can try other variations of the exercise, such as walking up and down stairs or wearing one high heel shoe and one flat shoe and walking inside. 

Here are some potential benefits of curb walking to induce labor:

  1. Encourages baby to move down: Walking on the curb or using other variations can create a rocking motion that helps to move the baby down in the pelvis, which may stimulate the cervix and encourage labor to start.

  2. Promotes better positioning: If the baby is in an unfavorable position, such as posterior or breech, curb walking may help to encourage the baby to move into a better position for delivery.

  3. May help contractions become more regular: The pressure from the baby's head on the cervix can help to release oxytocin, which is the hormone that stimulates contractions. Walking on the curb or using other variations may help to make contractions more regular and stronger.

It is important to note that curb walking is not recommended for everyone and should only be done with the approval of your healthcare provider. Curb walking may not be effective for all women, and it is important to listen to your body and not overdo It.

Remember: The proper way to curb walk is UP and HIP OUT. 


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Mouth and Pelvis Connection